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In recent years, drug addiction and substance abuse have come to the forefront of America's consciousness. From popular culture touting the benefits of marijuana to frequent commercials for rehab facilities designed to look like spas, one would be lead to believe that addiction and substance abuse was common place, even normal.
However this is far from the truth. Drug addiction and substance abuse are a burgeoning epidemics within the United States.
From the over prescription of pain medications to easy availability of new synthetic drugs like "bath salts", drug abuse has most certainly become more than just a problem; it's now safe to say that it could be considered endemic in many states, if not the entirety of the U.S.
We don't intend to publicly shame people, but we do want to address the issue of what is often a damaging, risky, and harmful life style.
In this site we will begin to attempt to detail the public health issues that stem from a cycle of  users, abusers, and recoverers.

(, 2016)

(Denali Healthcare, 2014)

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